This blog posting will be examining the pros and cons of genetically modified foods, and the
concerns that it is imposing upon the modern world.
I hope to provide information on the pros and cons, and provide a clearer understanding of genetically modified foods, while bringing awareness of the information that every consumer should understand, so they can make wiser choices about their health, and possible changes for their future. Weighing the pros and cons of genetically modified foods should be a concern so people can have a clearer understanding of what we are imposing through the use of Genetically Modified Foods around the world.
GM Food and feed have been linked to death and sickness. According to Jeffery M. Smith (July 2009) investigations were conducted in Haryana, India and the results found the buffalos that ate GM cottonseed had problems such as early deliveries, abortions, sterile, and prolapse of the uteruses. There were a large number of calves that died. In the United States, many farmers reported that thousands of pigs were becoming sterile because of the GM corn they were ingesting. Other pigs gave birth to only empty bags of water. Cows and bulls have also become sterile when they were fed the exact same corn.
According to Renata Brillinger (September 2006) There was serious concern in 1989 during an outbreak of a new disease contracted by over 5000 people that was traced back
to a batch of L-tryptophan food supplement produced with GM bacteria. Even though it
contained 0.1 per cent of toxic compound, 37 people died, and 1,500 were left permantly
disabled. The American Center of Disease Control stopped counting after 1991. We have no way to explain when the there are no food labels that identify GMO’s. It proposes the thoughts that we are no longer in control of the very food we eat for our survival. We can’t detect whether we are ingesting GMO’s verses organic.
Smith, further concluded that studies were applied to humans and some of the participants had Roundup Ready gut bacteria. There was only one study that was published on GMO’s. Scientists found bacteria growing in a waste dump area and the organism had a special gene that was able to thrive and not die. The scientists came to the conclusion that it would be added to the food supply. It was given the name Round Up Ready. There were humans that ate the GM soybeans and the DNA was transferred into their intestinal tracts and the bacteria continued to function. There is a concern that if you continue to manufacture Bt-toxins that is could turn the intestinal tract into a pesticide factory. Canada is conducting studies on this subject and are showing results but there is nothing that has been published so far on this study to my acknowledgment, as they are still carrying out the study to date. I would be interesting to see the reports and the impact it could have on Genetically Modified Foods.
According to Smith (2009) If the living pesticide factory is conclusive we have to question the thought of GMO’s. If they are able to bust the intestinal tract of insects and
destroy them, further questions are considered as to whether the corporations that
manufacture GMO’s have ignored the peer reviewed published evidence proving that Bt
toxins bind with mice and monkeys in the intestinal tract. They have denied the claim of
being harmful to mammals, even though the tests are proving something far different.
viruses from GMO’s. The most widely common virus that is used in Genetic engineering is
the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus. Research and studies has confirmed the risks of combination
with unrelated viruses is now greater than previously understood. The research has proven
that CAMV has a hotspot recombination, which makes it susceptible to break up DNA chains
and join them together. Angela Ryan a modular biologist and molecular biologist and also
Joseph Cummins, geneticist, have published a paper warning for the use of CAMV in crops.
This gene virus can reactivate dormant viruses, or create new ones in all species that it is
transferred to. Cancer is also a potential consequence. (Suurkula), further concluded that
practically all genetically engineered crops contain genetic material from viruses created in
this way may be more infectious, and may cause a greater number of alarming diseases,
and may have the tendency to cross species borders.
patent laws, many farmers are being sued by major corporations that have patented these
seeds. There is nothing to stop the wind from blowing the crop onto their properties ,and
then the larger corporations suing them and seizing their crops along with huge fines. It
has destroyed the farming the way we once knew it before. In an article found on the web
site 10 Reasons why we don’t need GM foods there was some
interesting information about the patent on the seeds. There is evidence that these GM
companies cannot be trusted. They have a history of toxic contamination and also the
deception of the public. The patents of the larger corporations monopolizes the world food
supply. They have harassed farmers and intimidated them for the crime of patented seed
or stealing patented genes, even if those genes got into the farmers’ fields through
accidental contamination or insects.
According to an article written by E. Ann Clark Ph.D (Fall 2001) Percy Schemeiser was a
farmer that was sued by Monsanto for growing canola that had been contaminated with the
Round up Ready gene. He was found guilty for having Monasanto genetics on his land. He
wasn’t found guilty of brownbagging or obtaining the seed fraudulently. All of those
allegations were dropped due to lack of evidence. The farmer was in his 70’s and practically
destroyed his family financially all because some of this seed fell or blew onto his land and
grew there. This is a sad account of what many farmers have had to face today. As Clark
concluded, “GM technology will necessarily make food more expensive-and particularly-but
not solely-for those who have chosen not to grow GM crops”.
( Witman) concluded that, GMO’S are pest resistant because they are a pesticide. Crop losses from insect pests can result in total financial loss for farmers and starvation in developing countries. GMO’s are herbicidal tolerant. For many crops it can be a very expensive process to destroy weeds and time consuming and the herbicide doesn’t harm the crop. Monsanto created an herbicide product Roundup. Farmers can grow soybeans and it only requires one application of weed killer instead of repeated herbicides. There are many viruses that cause diseases of plants and plant biologists are working to create plants with resistance to these diseases. These GMO’s are also cold resistant. They implanted an anti freeze gene into plants like tobacco and potatoes. With these genes the plants can tolerate colder conditions. The GMO’s are more tolerate to drought conditions as well. We also have countries that are malnourished. They were creating GMO’s to have more nutrients than the commodities of other countries where they had no access to nutrients apart from there market of trade. There are disadvantages that I have found in the conclusions of my research that far out weigh the advantages. We do not understand the magnitude of the GMO’s or what we will be seeing down the road. Through all of the discoveries and knowledge collected, it is very plain that until more scientific research and testing occurs with these GMO crops, it has occurred to me that the public is very much like a ginny pig and not really having a choice over what they select in their diet. I believe it will take a great deal of awareness and education in the public stream before changes will come over these problems.
GMO’s are affecting our world in every way, with the insects that we need for the environment and also the healthy state of our bodies and being able to have the freedom to choose what you are eating from the grocery markets. Labels should be stated to the GMO products and that gives the consumer the option to choose what they decide to put into their bodies. Without the labeling it could take years to be able to track or know for certain the outcome that we will all be facing. I truly believe nature was a gift unto us and to enjoy the organic things from the earth and I feel we may be crossing boundaries that our children’s children will have to pay and endure. I hope maybe something can be done before we no longer understand the nature of anything organic or created by the hands of God.
Barron, A. (July, 2011) Death in the Hive. Australasian Science Vol. 32, I-6 p. 4
Bergeron, B.; Chan, P. (2004) Biotech Industry: A Global Economic and Financing Overview
p.104, 239
Clark, A.E. (May, 2011) The Implications of the Percy Schmeiser Decision.
Crane, J. (June, 2011) World in Motion: The Globalization of the Environment Reader-
Journal of World History, Vol.22, I-2, pgs 426-429
Schubert, D. (July, 2002) The Risks of GM Food.
Smith, J.M., Seeds of
Smith, J.M., Everything you have to know about dangerous genetically modified foods.
Spilling the Beans Newsletter
(Genetically modified food and health- a cause for concern? Irish Doctors Environmental
Association ( IDEA)
Whitman, D. (April 2000) CSA Discovery Guides; Genetically Modified foods: Harmful or
helpful? Pages 1-12
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