Wednesday, August 11, 2010

" No Silence Inside Myself"

There are many people that are trying to bring awareness through all of this corruption and it does bring us to one place. As these things take place we will all be accounted as one. It is not my concern of what people do, I am clearly not there judge and don't choke others with the word of God. This is pointless and only breeds more divisions among people. This is my point, our concerns are motivated by love even in spite of the anger. We all have concerns for our families and that is why there is such a strong need among people right now. I have friends that educate me on things I was totally unaware.

I have knowledge of the scriptures but to much trust we have given over to the Government to think they will do the right thing. Good honest working people that love and we aren't in the streets stirring up havoc upon other lives. We are quiet, tolerate and private people that just want to take care of our families and live in peace but while the government is infringing things upon us, it is making it less possible to live peaceable lives and raise our children. I believe in a Sovereign God but there is a voice inside of every rational man and woman that is defiled by injustice of corruption it rises up to the surface and you began to question yourselves about whether you should speak or remain silent.

I don't condemn homosexuals I pray for them. I don't condemn doctors that preform abortions, I again pray for them. I have many of my own wrongs to make right. I don't care about the mosque across the City but why do they seek to blow up my Church and there rights are greater than ours. This is the unsilent inside myself. I am being choked by not being allowed to raise my children based on my values to bring them up with the morals that are en stilled in me. Everyone should be respected to do this for there own children. We are no longer allowed, this has been stolen in the public schools.

I don't base my friendships with others upon my beliefs because I see people as human beings. What are we fearing? Our government has become our enemy. We are the good guys, the hard workers that built things under the blood of thousands of others that died. If someone chooses to be Gay, that is their personal choice because we have a choice of free will which is a beautiful thing. Don't tread on my children to teach them this while I am trying to instill the morals that I see fit for them. This destroys and breaks down our homes. We are the enemy, the free. We are being choked in a strangle hold and the more silence remains the more we are complacently being driven into slavery. I pray for people to learn, to wake up and snap out of it. It is under your nose while you are still wondering if Elvis is alive.

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